18 December 2009

Scientific comparison chart

Exhibit A:
baklava color stripes

Exhibit B:
calico undone

Obvious thread-level correlations.

16 December 2009

A Winter's Tail

BK, as you may have noticed, is one for puns. Also for peanut butter, but let's not get into sticky molars.

Let's instead talk about small miracles, like (unavoidably) the way nuts can be ground to a spreadable substance,
or (indeed) the productive effects of a whiff of rubber cement,

or (and especially, 1):

maps and our ability/inclination to see our world in two dimensions.

(especially, 2): 8-legged creatures that hold an endless spool of silk in their bellies.

Now, on winter:

BK, as a youth, often confused icicles with what you see here. It did not matter to BK that only one kind melted.

11 October 2009

Meta-Kat and Calico Cowboys

2 cats or Kat + shadow?

* *
Much like the recent NASA projectile that tested the moon for water, BK arrived upriver in an old French jam jar -- only this time, the splash was visible.

* *

Meta-Kat: Here's one pun that has nothing to do with healthcare.

Baklava Kat has encountered authentic felines... or, rather, other felines have found, groomed, and observed with great curiosity, our friend BK.

31 July 2009

Paw Prints for Posterity

BK recently celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the Moon Landing (on an apparently hazy moon day).


11 July 2009

Dog sitting for the weekend, B.K. considers proportions

Vacation Meditation

Hiatus: a missing part; see Vienna

Could it be significant that initial attempts to post the most recent B.K. self-portrait produced this instead:

N tusl-o m Trst

which somehow translates to long-distance Kat talk.

Missing also, a question mark. But how to punctuate properly? Cats have only so many digits per paw. B.K. is no exception, already with a name full of periods.

Further attempts will be made to post the afore-mentioned image in its less letter-heavy form.

07 July 2009

Baklava Kat asks about enjambment

and gets an odd response:

Dear B.K.,
Has nothing to do with marmelade.
Might not taste good on a butter croissant.
Can make but does not always hold meaning.
Breaks easily
and always
though not always easily.
Calls for breath, so then does perhaps make the heart
race? Entendre and enjambment
both come from the French,
the official language of a country
famous for its pastries. Yet here
we are discussing not filo dough
but doubles. Full of them
we are. Especially
at enjambment.
The double created
by the emptiness of a line
split sudden.

B.K. now wonders what to do with the knife held so delicately by the paw that anticipated steam rising from moon pockets to meet a sweet jam. B.K. does not always know what to do
with surprise.

05 July 2009

Fritz Lang is a friend of mine

B.K. is away for the week, teaching (and indulging in graham crackers).
In the mean time, B.K. recommends the film Metropolis (see http://mchawk.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/metropolis.jpg for a glimpse).

03 July 2009

Calico vacation

B.K. will visit the Eternal City this August.

Theme song

An earlier incarnation

From early on, sketches made in situ.
This sketch definitely preceded the first real encounter.

Vertical lines are neither abstract nor incidental.

Rorschach is not a dessert

A fight breaks out in the kitchen

Not all posts will feature Baklava.